Saturday, May 29, 2010

Seizure averted! The power of food!

Yet ANOTHER GOOD REASON to train with FOOD!!!!!

Well it's taken a few years but I think, thanks to Daisy's holistic vet, Chinese herbs (she has a windy constitution), nutritionist Jill, owner of In the Raw petfood, research....trial and error....I THINK we've nailed down ANOTHER of the triggers of Daisy's seizures.  Hypoglycemia.

Luckily Daisy LOVES food...and all my guys are on a raw food diet 40 MEAT: 60 FRUIT VEGGIES organic WHEN possible.  Raw bones for dental hygiene.

It's so convenient too...just open the fridge door... chop and go! I use the blender to add veggies to their raw meat though because it's easier for them to digest.  I do use some kibble as well, I just have to be very careful of the type with Daisy.  Kibble is dry and easy to put into my pockets.  I do normally have a treat pouch in my hiking bag or Tupperware for chopped veggies (carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, cucumber, apple, mushrooms, onions and there are a few other veggies to stay away from...I'll dig up the site with info).  Being on a raw diet has cleared up Daisy's ear infections too.  We found out that she's sensitive to red meat & fish.  Which makes sense due to the fact that white meat has anti-inflammatory properties while red meat and fist do not ( fish you have to watch the pollutants in them as well).

Her body is very sensitive to additives so right now I am using Dick Van Patten's Venison and sweet potato dry food.

I really like it because the kibble is thin pieces so you can actually break it up even smaller, plus it doesn't expand like other kibbles when wet.  I actually take that into account as I see so many dogs that look like they swallowed and are shaped like a bag of economy size kibble!  Some kibble expands to 3times the dry size so I stay away from them.

Keeping their blood sugar levels balances is yet ANOTHER Good REASON TO train w/FOOD!  Hah!  I'm a snacker, I can't eat big mound of food then wait 5hrs to digest, then feel my body crash because it's out of fuel, so it totally makes sense to me!

Here's a site that I've found very very helpful and would recommend to anyone whose dog has begun to seizure and they're looking for information:

Normally when I come home from work, we hang out in the yard, they do their business, then play a bit, then we all come back inside and I grab snacks, pack my hiking bag and get ready to go out with them.

Yesterday, Daisy came back into the house after doing her business, and I came in a few minutes later.  It was unusual....when you have a dog who seizures ...the unusual in routine is something to take seriously.  I  came into the house to find her under a sofa, glassy eyed, starting the side to side movements in the "aura" stage of a seizure.

I grabbed a spoon and started with:

*honey (organic from our local beekeeper..quote from link above regarding how to get their glucose levels raised in a hurry! " The best source is honey. Honey, is made up of 35% protein & contains half of all the necessary amino acids. It is a highly concentrated source of many essential nutrients, including large quantities of carbohydrates (sugars), some minerals, B complex, and C, D, and E. Therefore, honey will immediately raise the blood sugar putting the body in balance and stabilizing the blood sugar level".  thankfully... she was still aware of everything around her, and licked it up...

*Then I grabbed a banana (potassium) and gave her some of that and

*lastly a scoop of peanut butter (organic). 
A few minutes of cradling her, talking to her to keep her alert and stroking her and she snapped out of it.  PHEWF.

Lucky for her, we have been able to keep her off meds, and have a pretty solid plan of action for her type of seizures.  I'm so thankful for all the resources available out on the internet which have helped me, along with finding a good holistic vet. I've added a spoon full of honey into her morning pre-breakfest, toast w/peanutbutter and banana stuffed kong :) 

1 comment:

Robin said...

Really interesting information. Thank you for sharing!