Sunday, April 18, 2010

mmmm...pumpkin spice dog cookies....

Perfect to test their will power of holding out, stays, and I love that I have "sniff" on cue...I think it does help relieve some pressure of just waiting to hear that magic word..."take it". This way they know they can enjoy the heavenly aroma as long as they are calm; sit, down, stand, it doesn't matter to me. I have no problem letting them decide which default behaviour they can perform without it ending in a feeding frenzy. I like giving them choices, to see what position they feel most comfortable in. It's not all about me....

I'll only remind them of what to do, if I notice they're having trouble holding things together. We help eachother out. That's what it's all about.  * Thank you Dr. Patricia McConnell for "Feeling outnumbered". An awesome book.

ps... they did enjoy tiny pieces as a reward for holding out.
I use 1/2 can pumpkin, molasses, olive oil, whole wheat flour and ground spices for the dog cookies, then the rest adding milk, egg, baking powder/soda/salt, two teaspoons brown sugar and spices for muffins for myself!

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